“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” — Andre Gide

We all have our day, days, weeks and even months. Life challenges sometimes allow you to step back, reflect and make changes. At the end of the day, YOU matters and one may not understand YOU because of the shoes YOU walk in daily. My daddy has taught me so much and now that he is no longer here physically, I have found the truth in some aspects of my life. People sometimes misunderstand the misunderstood. I made a personal commitment to focus on 3 things; God – my relationship with Him, ME – embracing my flaws and being the BEST me, and FINALLY raising my 2 beautiful kids while living life to the fullest.

I have created a QUIET space in my new home where I will reflect, meditate and do the things that I truly enjoy. I have been sick the last two weeks so I haven’t been my personal best. I WILL use this space to connect with God and meditate on His words, document life’s journey and heal through therapy – SEWING, DIY, STUDYING and FITNESS. This place I will use to push myself to be a better person and educator. I will CONTINUE to strive to ensure that each student that I teach, my words of encouragement will make a difference.

My inspiration WALL is a daily reminder that I have a purpose to live. I promise to be a better each day, week, month and year. I commit to live every moment to my fullest potential. My QUIET corner is still a work in progress but I am loving the outcome so far. 2016, I AM READY to kick ASS fight :-). I am not letting go and I plan to be the best VERSION ME.

Have you created your Vision for 2016? Hope your NEW Year started out on the right track. What changes do you plan to make to be a BETTER YOU in 2016?
Here is a great quote to help you get through any tough times you may be facing.
“Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”– Marilyn Monroe
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