“You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” -A.A. Milner
When life throws you lemon, get up, wake up and make some strawberry marmalade. Life’s detour can either make you go two ways, either take the risk and head out strong, or give up and give in.

I promise you, I felt it when Prim called me and told me she had a lump. How could this happen, we just had a grande time at Diner En Blanc. The mammogram result wasn’t what I wanted to hear. No, please, I was in denial more than she was. We were just celebrating happiness and then the shocking news. I cried, yes I cried. I said not Prim. A few moments, I reflected on my struggles, my near death experience and said she will come out victorious. I remembered my struggles with my health, sick, hospitalized 18 times with my firstborn. I did win the battle and shared words of encouragement. I know that our God that we serve will never leave us nor forsake us.

I continued to encourage Prim to embrace this struggle. When she suggested that I shoot her I accepted the request wholeheartedly. I suggested bold pink lips and a beautiful long dress. I went across the street from my home in JA and got all her “money shots.”

This experience is a true reflection that life can change in an instant. You never know when it may be your timing. When one faces a challenging period or moment in life, you can choose two paths; accept it and fight it victoriously, or give up. What path will you choose? I truly had an amazing time with Prim, my girlfriends (Trudy and Lisa) and the amazing make-up artist JODY (Instagram Page: ) while she was getting her makeover done. She felt comfortable around us and was openly embracing the change. I wanted her to enjoy and feel beautiful and understand that your HAIR or EYELASHES is not the beauty of a woman, but her inner strength during a challenging period.

I have truly learned so much about myself through my struggles and always tried to find the positive in light of a tough period in my life. I have shared my stories with others to uplift and inspire and I know that Prim will win this battle in her life.

In closing, ” Life is ten percent of what happens to you and ninety percent of how you respond to it.” Lou Holtz
Thanks for reading her story. Please feel free to share the link with a person who may be going through a challenging period in their lives.