“Your life is a BOOK, make IT a best seller.”

It’s 4:05am and my alarm just went off. I wish I could sleep in today but guess what, it’s a weekday. Before I arise, I must say my prayer, meditate in my quiet area, and replay the to do list I HAVE to conquer. Little did I know that motherhood would teach me commitment and how to balance both career and raising 2 beautiful children.

This summer I made a lifestyle change to eat out less and cook more. My weekdays start at 4:15am. I attack the laundry whether ironing, or folding clothes for 45 mins, or complete an hour of housework. Right after between 5am to 5:15am, I head downstairs. My yoga mat is ready and waiting patiently for my morning exercise routine. I start to cook the meat that has been marinating overnight and then get ready for my abs on intense 40 mins to 1 hr exercise.

I am absolutely enjoying every moment while beats of the 80s or 90s reggae soulful music is playing or perhaps my favorite gospel tunes. This is my me time and I get to dance, exercise and be me. It is not easy as in between I am checking the traffic news to see if I have to get the kids up earlier. I then rush upstairs by 5:50am and that is when our day starts.So many things have been completed in merely 2 hours but I have to keep going. My children are able to firsthand see my drive to be a better mother and to balance it all.
It’s not easy when I choose to comb my daughter’s hair everyday. Why? We get to bond in our special way. It’s not easy to hold my son and pray and give him that special kiss, every morning, every day. It is the endurance and commitment to share my love.

Some days I get frustrated as I am doing this alone with God by my side. I wish I had an earthly partner to help. However, I choose not to rush into another marriage. Why? I would rather be happy alone than miserable with someone. I want to make sure that the next step I take in building a lifelong partner is ordained by God. I choose to eliminate so many of life stresses and to be the best version of me, role model, mother and friend.
I have a small comfortable home which I am blessed to be able to pay for each month. I am still driving my 7 year old car my ex-husband left. I am still wearing clothes I had 10 years ago. I am still happy today as I was a few years ago when I chose to eliminate all negativity including friends and family from my life. I choose to live simple and care free.

So balancing my life isn’t a walk in the park. I give up a lot to remain happy. I don’t own a microwave as I want to eliminate quick meals. I don’t own a Gucci bag as I don’t care for names even if I can afford it. I don’t want a big house as it will be too much to clean. Lord knows I want to live in it rather than be sweating night and day to pay for it. I live the simplest and most rewarding life with my children.

Lets keep it real!! I do have bad days, melt downs and yes I do get down and depressed too. But Lord knows that my good days surely by far out ways the bad and my children always bring a smile to my face. GOD has humbled me in so many ways and the loss of my dad leaving a 6 bedroom home has taught me that there is more to life than wealth. You can’t take the millions in the bank with you but you can surely enjoy it while on earth.

So readers, take time out to live a balanced life and not worry about the 20 inch weave or the latest car you have to get, but worry about feeding your spirit with positive moments and good vibes. Just live….
Photos for this POST were taken in a model home in our city. We truly find ways to enjoy life and I am teaching my children the rewards of working hard. DREAM BIG AND YOU WILL WIN.

Stay tune for Part 2 as I will share more of what we do to keep the smile on our faces.