“Dreams are like stars…you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.”

I am here crying watching “Chasing Destiny” after “11:27pm knowing darn well I should be fast asleep. I have gym in the morning but I am so enjoying the show. Is it for the music or is it the meaning behind the music. Life has a way of coming together and I am ready to chase “MY DESTINY”. I feel I keep putting my dreams and aspirations aside because of my fear of failing. I am living in this shell just like a snail and scared to show the world my true potential. I am just NOT DOING ME like God has ordained. I have a passion for Education; especially Mathematics. My heart is on fire when I see the passion for mathematics in my kids’ eyes. Yes, the kids’ I teach. I have passed on this passion to a son who can sit quietly in his room and knock out 50 problems in one shot with no complain. I have seen the light in his eyes when he challenges me on my answer choice and he defends himself. I have already seen the flame burning.

I am so chasing my KIDS’ dreams instead of mine. I guess the fear of my kids failing allow me to focus more on them rather than me. I am here planning their future, hoping they stay strong and make me proud. I know it’s ME alone on this journey but I will fight to the end to ensure that they reach for the stars and chase their dreams.My son has a passion for Engineering so I channel his energy into the things he enjoys. I saw that passion during Spring break when he sat quietly and peacefully reading the teacher’s guide for the Vex robotics. I was amazed on how intrigued with the book and the robotics pieces. My daughter, the strong fighter has shown me that life is all about pushing yourself beyond your limits. My first grader is tracker her reading level and striving to read at a fourth grade level by the end of her first grade year. She knows her exact level and begs her teacher to complete her AR test even when there are NO library days. She even reads her brother’s AR BOOK so that she can challenge herself. This child is no Einstein but she is one black talented girl who rocks. She strives for greatness and I know she is special. She is a reader, writer, dancer, lover of art and all things beautiful. She has so much potential and I know she will make me proud. So my beautiful gift from God my children is my rock. They remind me that I have to strive for greatness too and follow my destiny. They allow me to reflect on where I am and where I want to go. After receiving 3 different confirmations including 2 that knows little about me, I am READY. When a dear friend says “GIRL YOU THE BOMB with this math!”, it means something. When you bring you AP to tears because she hears that you put in a transfer, it’s an awesome feeling that you know you are appreciated. When 99% of YOUR students share how awesome you are because you connect Math to their lives, it’s a feeling you just can’t explain. Hearing that alone lights up my heart. Why worry about failing? Why worry about what people say? Why worry when you can pray? I am ready today, now to chase my destiny. I am Marica and I rock!!!!!!