THE AMAZING skin care line – JENCARE ROCKS!!!
I have been a health freak over the past few years but the last year or so, I have been quite a slacker. It is time to get back in shape and start taking care of me. During the period of moving and closing on the new home, I neglected myself. I ate junk, did not properly cleanse my face and fell off track. A month ago after a huge breakout, I decided I had to go back to my daily regime.

1. Leaf Soap – use to wash my face twice daily. During summer months, I try to do it at least 3 times.

2. Toner – use daily after face is washed thoroughly with the leave soap. My face feels amazing after and so refreshed. My pores are squeaky clean and the tingling feeling lets me know that the skin is ready for the collagen.

3. Fresh Expressions – So fresh so clean. This collagen is the BEST product that I have used on my face. The collagen tightens my skin and gives it an amazing finish. I don’t need any make-up when I use the collagen in the morning. It definitely enhances the GLOW of my skin and I am SO in love. The price is so worth it as it last for about 3-4 months if used once a day.

The best product line that I have used the last 5-6 years has been Jen Care Skin Farm. I stumbled across Jencare returning home from my trip to Jamaica. The sales representative SOLD me as her flawless skin caught my eyes. I was a bit hesistant and decided to try the leave soap and the #13. To my amazement, I noticed a huge difference after a month and was hooked. There is absolutely NO turning back and JENCARE SKIN FARM, YOU ROCK!!!

I have always wanted to use the desired complexion and recently added it to my daily routine. NO NEED FOR MAKE-UP after using it. Its like a foundation and cream in one. See photo below

Go check out their website to see if there is a SPA near you. If not, the Jencare Spa website is a click away (here) to order the amazing products that will work for your skin. Dr. Samuda (REST IN PEACE) was the only person I have trusted to do a facial and her recommendations are ALWAYS on point.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope this review was helpful. Feel free to leave a comment or question below.
Go follow their pages on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM to see the amazing services the SPA offers!!